Art Printer Holiday Super Sale!
Hello lovely clients,
I hope you are all healthy and doing well!
I cannot believe we’re already winding down to the end of 2024. It’s been a crazy year for me personally, but I am so thankful to have such an amazing place to work where I am inspired by you all. In fact, you’ve all inspired me SO MUCH I’ve taken up watercolor in the last year and a half. You may notice some of my work in our promotional graphics… 😊
For my gratitude to you all, I’m doing our biggest sale yet— 20% off Prints and Scans from 11/26-12/8/2024!
I hope you all can take advantage of this opportunity. We will be working our butts off to get everything completed in time for the holidays for you.
As always and forever, thank you for your continued support! This tiny business is so very thankful for you.
Amanda Boss Lady Reyes
So very thankful for YOU! The studio will be closed for the holiday, but our website can take in print orders online, so take please feel free to take advantage!
Per usual, Art Printer will be closed for the holidays and maintenance from 12/24/24-1/5/25. As a lot of you know, I strongly believe in a work/life balance and having these two weeks off gives me and my wonderful team a chance to physically and mentally regroup. It also gives me time to catch up on all those not-so-fun owner things I have to do, so thank you for understanding!
Lilo says hi!
She is healing well and is excited to get back to normal so she can greet our lovely clients. Thank you for the well wishes!
That’s all from us! We hope to see you soon with your next scanning and/or printing project!